We Moved!

Belfast Tool Library has now moved to The Mission, Shankill Road.

Only ten minutes across the city from our old East Belfast location, the only thing that has changed in our move to the Mission, Shankill is our ability to better meet your needs. The library opens onto the street, increasing the visibility of the organisation and making it easier for you to get the tools you need into your car. The workshop is at the back of the building, with much improved lighting, ventilation and its very own bathroom. Now, that’s what I call luxury...

The location has changed but lending library times have not. You will still find us open for reservations and returns every

Tuesday between 6 and 9 pm and

Saturday mornings between 10 and 1 pm

The workshop is still currently under construction, but look out for updates for July when normal service will be resumed. We can’t wait to welcome back our members and hopefully meet plenty of new ones!

Thank you!


116 Shankill Rd
Belfast BT13 2BD
Northern ireland